Before & After

The Attic is the Worst Place for Ducts

Attics can be 20 degrees in winter and 130 degrees in summer! 

Your vented attic is the worst possible place to locate ducts. Attics are the extreme opposite temperature of the air your ducts are trying to move to your rooms. Ductwork also has lots of gaps and holes that can leak into the attic. The air you paid to heat and cool and want to go to your rooms leaks out of the ducts into the attic, lost forever, or is exposed to major opposing temperature differences in the attic.

Duct encapsulation and sealing gaps and joints in the ductwork can prevent air loss and help your system run more efficiently. It keeps your ductwork at a steady temperature, meaning the air moving through the ducts isn't affected and will change the preferred temperature of your home more quickly. 

