Case Studies

Blown-in Insulation Case Studies: Nasty Attic - Reston, VA

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This Reston, VA homeowner was looking to seal up their home from air leakage.  Any air leaks in a home cause HVAC systems to work harder to regulate temperatures, thus raising energy and utility bills.  Comfenergy performed a blower door test to determine exactly how much air was leaking out of this home every minute.  It was determined that the house was very leaky and we put a prescription together to stop the energy from being wasted.


Comfenergy first vacuumed out all of the nasty attic insulation that had been around for over 30 years.  Then we used spray foam insulation to seal the rim joists in the basement. (The attic is not the only place a home leaks air!) The attic was eventually sealed too.  Lower utility bills, less draftiness, and better overall comort is the result!!!

Project Summary

Evaluator: Mike Dowling
